Participants of the Conference “Crossing Boundaries”

IAS Press Conference: from left to right: Josef Raab, Sofia Bone,
Wilfried Raussert, Yolanda Campos García, Olaf Kaltmeier

Before the conference opening

Josef Raab`s presidential address
Josef Raab and Olaf Kaltmeier

A full house

From left to right: Gilberto Gimenez (keynote lecture), Laura
Oliver Sánchez, Yolanda Campos García

From left to right: Astrid Haas, Saskia Hertlein, Paola Suárez

An attentive audience

From left to right: Emron Esplin, Jean-François Coté, Roland Walter
Book presentation by Wilfried Raussert and Graciela Martínez-Zalce

Some of the authors of (Re)Discovering 'America' / (Re)Descubriendo 'America'

Author Angelina Muñiz Huberman reading from her work

 Luz Angélica Kirschner presenting her new book, Expanding Latinidad

from left to right: Carmen Martínez Novo, Paulina Lama Oliva,
Pablo Pineda Ortega

Conference organizers hard at work

Conversations during the break

Conference volunteers selling books

Conference luncheon

The team that made the conference a success

Conference helpers

María Herrera-Sobek promoting the 2016 conference in Santa Barbara

Satisfied organizers: Yolanda M. Campos and Graciela Martínez-Zalce