Raussert, Wilfried and John Miller Jones, eds. Traveling Sounds: Music, Migration, and Identity in the U.S. and Beyond. 2010

Tracing the migration of sounds, the editors see American music at home and abroad as an intricate part of a historical process of globalization and as embedded in complex and multidirectional processes of exchange and transformation. They understand the migration of American forms of music not as a one-dimensional, homogenizing process of Americanization, but rather as a multidirectional journey with diverse and multi-layered forms of music emerging in different and shifting locales. The contributors cover a broad range of musical genres, ranging from sacred music and avant- garde music to jazz, reggae, and rock. Crossovers between film, theater, video art and music are explored. © 1998-2001 Amazon.com, Inc. und Tochtergesellschaften

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Raussert, Wilfried and John Miller Jones (eds.). Sounds: Music, Migration, and Identity in the U.S. and Beyond. Lit, 2010.

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