Criterion: Student Journal of Literary Criticism Submissions

IAS member Emron Esplin is advisor for BYU’s student journal of literary criticism—Criterion. The journal publishes two issues a year and is are currently seeking submissions for its winter 2017 issue which contains both an open section and a forum prompt—this year from Professor Scott Peeples of the College of Charleston, entitled “What Can Poe Do For You?”

If you have students at the undergraduate or masters level who have written a quality paper in the past year that you’d like to see published (or who are currently working on a publishable paper), would you please direct them to the journal’s website below and invite them to submit their work by 14 January 2017.

This link will take the Poe-interested students directly to the forum prompt.

And, finally, this link will take you to the journal’s CFP on the Penn CFP website.

If you or your students have any questions, please email Emron Esplin at

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Members Bibliography 2015

Altmann, Philipp. “(Wie) Korrumpiert Macht Politische Begriffe? Die Karriere Des ‘Guten Lebens’ in Ecuador.” Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft (2015). 73-92.

—. “El movimiento indígena ecuatoriano – educación como estrategia, interculturalidad como fin.” Ed. Rainer Gehrig and Práxedes Muñoz. Educación, Identidad y Derechos como estrategias de desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas. Murcia: Fundación Universitaria San Antonio, 2015. 57-79.

—. “Studying Discourse Innovations: The Case of the Indigenous Movement in Ecuador.” Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung 40 (3) (2015). 161-184.

Alcalde, M. Cristina. “Transformative Journeys: The Impact of First-Time Motherhood on Mexican Women’s Migration Experiences in the US South.” Chicana/Latina Studies 14.2 (2015). 64-101.

Bordo, Susan, M. Cristina Alcalde, and Ellen Rosenman. Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2015.

Andres, Julia. ¡Cuéntame algo!- Chicana Narrative Beyond the Borderlands. Trier/Tempe: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier/Bilingual Press, 2015.

Bellin, Greicy P. “The quest for national identity in Edgar Allan Poe and Machado de Assis.” International Journal of Language and Literature. V. 3, N. 1. (2015). 143-147.

—. “Modern experience in Poe, Baudelaire and Machado de Assis.” Atiner’s Conference Paper Series (2015). 3-13.

—. “Edgar Allan Poe and Machado de Assis: An Overview.” International Journal of Language, Literature and Culture. V. 2. N. 1. (2015). 1-5.

Barrenechea, Antonio. America Unbound: Encyclopedic Literature and Hemispheric Studies. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2016.

—. “Ideas of the Decade: American Literature.” Ed. Eric Hayot and Barbara Harlow. Report on the State of the Discipline of Comparative Literature. (2014-2015).

Canelo, Maria José. “Producing Good Neighbors: Carmen Miranda’s body as spectacular pan-Americanism.” Révue Française d´Etudes Americaines 2014/2 (2015). 60-76.

Esplin, Emron. “Faulkner and Latin America; Latin America in Faulkner.” William Faulkner in Context. Ed. John T. Matthews. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2015. 270-78.

—. “Jorge Luis Borges’s References to Edgar Allan Poe: An Annotated Bibliography, Section 1.” Poe Studies: History, Theory, Interpretation 48 (2015): 120-60.

Esplin, Emron, and Margarida Vale de Gato. “Excerpt from Translated Poe.” Journal of
Transnational American Studies 6.1 (2015): xi- xxi, 329-33.

Fellner, Astrid M. “Chicano/a Poetry: Rodolfo “Gorky” Gonzales and Lorna Dee Cervantes.” Ed. Oliver Scheiding, René Dietrich, and Clemens Spahr. A History of American Poetry: Contexts – Developments – Readings. Trier: WVT – Handbücher zum literaturwissenschaftlichen Studium, Band 19, 2015. 427-441.

Fulger, Diana. “Inventos: Cuban Rap in a Transnational, Diasporic Context.” Ed. Wilfried Raussert et al. Cruzando Fronteras en las Américas. Las Dinámicas del Cambio en la Política, la cultura y los medios. Guadalajara, UdeG, 2015. 265-286.

Graziadei, Daniel. “38. Nissopoiesis: Wie Robinsone ihre Inseln erzählen.” Ed. Jörg Dünne and Andreas Mahler. Handbuch Literatur & Raum. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2015. 421–30.

Haas, Astrid. “Un continente ‘de color’: Langston Hughes y América Latina.” Ed. Wilfried Raussert et al. Key Tropes in Inter-American Studies: Perspectives from The Forum of Inter-American Research. Inter-American Studies / Estudios interamericanos 17. Trier: WVT; Tempe, AZ: Bilingual, Press, 2015. 265-80.

Heide, Markus. “Narcocorridos: Ethnic Tradition, Local Knowledge, and Commercialization.” Ed. Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez et al. Selling Ethnicity and Race. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015. 197-211.

Messmer, Marietta and Armin Paul Frank, eds. The International Turn in American Studies. Frankfurt/M. and New York: Peter Lang, 2015.

Messmer, Marietta. “Introduction: Transcending Borders: The International Turn in American Studies.” Ed. Marietta Messmer and Armin Paul Frank. The International Turn in American Studies. Frankfurt/M. and New York: Peter Lang, 2015. 7-44.

Pfau, Monique. “Traduzir Huysmans: trazendo Paris da virada do século XIX para leitores brasileiros do século XXI.” Revista Belas Infiéis, 3 1 (2015). 201-217.

—. “Translating Brazilian Human Sciences into a Lingua Franca.” And Translation Changed the World (and the World Changed Translation). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. 91-104.

Philippov, Renata. “Blurring Borders: the self, the wanderer and the observer in Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Baudelaire and Machado de Assis.” AmeriQuests 12 (2015). 1-9.

—. “O jogo intertextual em ‘Só’ de Machado de Assis: solidão, insólito e (auto)isolamento na metrópole.” Ed. Flavio García and Marisa Martins Gama-Khalil. Vertentes do Insólito Ficcional – Ensaios I. Rio de Janeiro: Dialogarts Publicações, 2015. 244-260.

Prutsch, Ursula. Eva Perón. Leben und Sterben einer Legende. München. C.H. Beck, 2015.

Raussert, Wilfried et al. (ed.). Key Tropes in Inter-American Studies. Tempe: Bilingual Press, Trier: WVT, 2015.

Raussert, Wilfried et al. (ed.). Cruzando Fronteras en las Américas. Las Dinámicas del Cambio en la Política, la cultura y los medios. Guadalajara, UdeG, 2015.

Wilfried Raussert. “Selected Key Tropes in Inter-American Studies.” Key Tropes in Inter-American Studies. Tempe: Bilingual Press, Trier: WVT, 2015. 1-11.

—. “Sonic Cosmopolitics From Above and Below: Entangled Music and Politics from The Jazz Ambassadors to Contemporary Grassroots Movements.” Cruzando Fronteras en las Américas. Las Dinámicas del Cambio en la Política, la cultura y los medios. Guadalajara, UdeG, 2015. 287-314.

—. “Playing the Social, Dancing the Social, Singing the Social: From ‘Say It Loud (I’m Black and I’m Proud)’ to Fandango Sin Fronteras.” Musica Oral del Sur 12 (2015). 91-307.

—. “Regreso a la lentitud o cómo narrar ‘historias mínimas’ en la América Postfordista.” Ed. Alvara Fernandez and Nancy Berthier. La cultura de las Pantallas. El cine iberoamericano en el panorama audiovisual actual. Nuevo Texto Crítico 28/51 (2015). 219-231.

—. “Narrating ‘Entangled Americas’: Edwidge Danticat’s Brother I’m Dying as Transnational Memoir (2007).” A.r.t.e.s area studies and diversity. Cologne: Graduate School for the Humanities, 2015. 52-60.

Rinke, Stefan. América Latina y Estados Unidos: Una historia entre espacios desde la época colonial hasta hoy. Madrid/México: Marcial Pons/El Colegio de México, 2015.

—. América Latina e Estados Unidos: Uma história entre espaços – do período colonial aos días atuais. Rio de Janeiro: Autografía/Edupe, 2015.

—. “Neutrality under Pressure: Latin America, 1914-1917.” Ed. José-Leonardo Ruiz Sánchez, Inmaculada Cordero Olivero and Carolina García Sanz. Shaping Neutrality throughout the First World War. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2015. 331-360.

—. “La independencia de Brasil: Movimientos entre espacios y el contexto de las revoluciones atlánticas, 1808-1831.” Ed. Wilfried Raussert et al. Key Tropes in Inter-American Studies: Perspectives from the Forum of Inter-American Research. Trier: WVT/Tempe: Bilingual, Press, 2015. 91-118.

—. “Constructions of Femininity and the ‘American Way of Life’ in Latin America in the Early 20th Century.” Ed. Sebastian Thies, Gabriele Pisarz-Ramírez and Luzelena Gutiérrez de Velasco. Of Fatherlands and Motherlands: Gender and Nation in the Americas – De Patrias y Matrias: Género y nación en las Americas. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2015. 75-87.

—. “Nordamerikanisierung Lateinamerikas.” Ed. Hermann Hiery. Lexikon zur Überseegeschichte. Stuttgart: Steiner, 2015. 594-595.

Roth, Julia (ed.). Lateinamerikas koloniales Gedächtnis: Vom Ende der Ressourcen, so wie wir sie kennen, Zentrum + Peripherie. Baden Baden: Nomos, 2015.

–. “Tracing Intersectionality Back to Its Radical Roots: Las Krudas Cubensis’ Queer Diaspora Hip Hop as ‘Nu Caribbean Feminism’.” Ed. Martina Urioste-Buschmann. e-journal EnterText, special issue Crossing Thresholds: Decoloniality and Gender in Caribbean Knowledge (2015).

—. “Beyond Global Inequalities. Toward a Politics of Trans-Americanity.” Ed. Frederike Offizier, Marc Priewe and Ariane Schröder. Crossroads in American Studies: Transnational and Biocultural Encounters. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 2015.

Roth, Julia and Maja Bächler. “Blicke auf den Film ‘Concerning Violence’ aus dekolonialer Perspektive: Concerning Violence – Nine Scenes from the Anti-Imperalistic Self-Defence.” Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb) (2015).

Rozema, Brian et al. (ed.). Key Tropes in Inter-American Studies. Tempe: Bilingual Press, Trier: WVT, 2015.

Sawhney, Minni. “El narco mundo en las novelas transnacionales de Elmer Mendoza y Don Winslow.” Ed. Cecilia López Bádano. Periferias de la Narcocracia, Ensayos sobre Narrativas Contemporáneas. Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 2015.

—. “The Relevance of Gender in the Narco Corrido/Narco Novel.” Ed. Mukherjee, Bhaduri Transcultural Negotiations of Gender: Studies in (Be) Longing. New Delhi: Springer, 2015.
—. “Octavio Paz, Claude Levi Strauss y la India.” Papeles de la India, Vol.44, Número 1 (2015). 64-76.

Vilalta, Maria José. “Muerte en los Andes. Sociedad colonial y mortalidad en las haciendas andinas (Ecuador, 1743-1857).” Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, 32. 1 (2015). 73-100.

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IAS Awards 2016

Two years ago the International Association of Inter-American Studies held its first competition for the best essay and for the best thesis in Inter-American Studies. The winners were Earl E. Fitz (Vanderbilt University) for the essay competition and Jeffrey Lawrence (Princeton University) for the thesis competition.

Continuing its efforts to promote inter-American Studies, the Association is now announcing this year’s competitions. There are again two awards, one for the best master’s or doctoral or post-doctoral thesis and one for the best article or essay in Inter-American Studies completed since August 2014. Submitted work does not yet need to be in print to be considered. Only work in Spanish or in English can be submitted. Each award carries a cash prize of 250 euros or 280 U.S. dollars.

Contestants who would like to have their work considered will need to join the association. If you would like to do so, please go to (in English) or to (in Spanish). Please be advised that members with student status may ask for their membership fees to be waived. To ask for a fee waiver, please contact our treasurer Heidi Moertl at with proof of your student status.

To submit work to be considered for the award for best master’s or doctoral or post-doctoral thesis completed since August 2014, please send your thesis as a WORD or PDF file as well as an abstract of one page or less to the four jury members:
Ulla Kriebernegg (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) at,
Graciela Martínez-Zalce (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) at,
Antonio Barrenechea (University of Mary Washington) at, and
Francisco Lomelí (University of California at Santa Barbara) at

To submit work to be considered for the award for best academic article or essay completed since August 2014, please send your article or essay as a WORD or PDF file as well as an abstract of one page or less to the four jury members:
Luz Angélica Kirschner (Bielefeld University; South Dakota State University) at,
María Herrera Sobek (University of California at Santa Barbara) at,
Emron Esplin (Brigham Young University) at, and
Stefan Rinke (Freie Universität Berlin) at

The deadline for submissions is September 10, 2016. The winners of both awards will be announced at the business meeting of the International Association of Inter-American Studies at UC Santa Barbara on October 5, 2016. Award recipients who are not present at that meeting will receive their award and prize by mail.


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Keynote Speakers

Lisa Hajjar is a professor of sociology at the University of California – Santa Barbara. She was the Edward Said Chair of American Studies at the American University of Beirut in 2014 – 2015, and served as the director of the Alwaleed Center for American Studies and Research (CASAR) at AUB in 2015 – 2016. Hajjar’s publications include Courting Conflict: The Israeli Military Court System in the West Bank and Gaza (University of California Press, 2005) and Torture: A Sociology of Violence and Human Rights (Routledge 2013). She is currently working on a book titled The War in Court: The Legal Campaign against US Torture in the “War on Terror.” Her work focuses mainly on issues relating to law and conflict, military courts and occupations, human rights and international law, and torture and targeted killing. Hajjar served for several terms as a member of the editorial committee of Middle East Report, and is one of the founding co-editors of Jadaliyya. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Middle East Studies Association.

Keynote Address: “Owning Up to American Torture”


David Palumbo-Liu‘s fields of interest include social and cultural criticism, literary theory and criticism, East Asia and Asian Pacific American studies. His most recent book, The Deliverance of Others: Reading Literature in a Global Age (Duke, 2o12) addresses the role of contemporary humanistic literature with regard to the instruments and discourses of globalization, seeking to deiscover modes of affiliation and transnational ethical thinking; he is also co-editor with Bruce Robbins and Nirvana Tanoukhi of Immanuel Wallenstein and the Problem of the World: System, Scale, Culture (Due, 2011). Palumbo-Liu is most interested in issues regarding social theory, community, race and ethnicity, human rights, globalization, ecology, and the specific role that literature and the humanities play in helping address each of these areas. With Prof. James Cavallaro of Stanford Law School he started the interactive human rights website, Teaching Human Rights: An International Student-Teacher Collaboratory, whcih currently lists over sixty collaborators from around the world including NGOs, combined classrooms in Europe, and other participants. David Palumbo-Liu is the founding editor of Occasion: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities (found on Arcade) and blogs for Truthout, The Nation, Salon, The Huffington Post, Al Jazeera, openDemocracy, AlterNet, and other venues. He is also a Contributing Editor for the Los Angeles Review of Books. He serves on the Executive Council of the Modern Language Association, the HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science & Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) Steering Committee, and the Academic Sterring and Advocacy Committee of the Open Library of the Humanities. He was recently elected Second Vice President of the American Comparative Literature Association, and will assume the presidency March 2018. He is a former Chair of the Stanford Faculty Senate and a member of the Advisory Board of the Academic Council.

Keynote Address: “Human Rights and the Moral Imagination”


José Manuel Valenzuela Arce: Doctor en Ciencias Sociales con especialidad en Sociología por El Colegio de México. Es profesor-investigador del Departamento de Estudios Culturales de El Colegio de la Frontera Norte desde el 14 de agosto de 1982 a la fecha. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (Nivel III) del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Sus investigaciones han abordado temas relacionados con cultura e identidad, fronteras culturales, movimientos sociales, culturas juveniels, sociología urbana y cultura popular. Además fue fundador de El Colgeio de la Frontera Norte (1982) y del Departamento de Estudio Culturales, del cual fue director de 1990-1993 y 1999-2003. También fue director de la Unidad Regional Norte de Culturas Populares (Baja Californai, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Durango) de 1993 a 1994 y fundador de la Unidad de Tijuana de 1993 a 1994, además fue Director de la Revista Frontera Norte de El Colegio de la Frontera Norte de 1995 a 1998. Sus trabajos han sido publicados en español, inglés, portugués, italiano, catalán, alemán y francés. Se ha presentado en Estados Unidos, México, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Río de Janeiro, Bolivia, Sao Paulo, Guatemala, Panamá, Argentina, Perú, Cuba, Berlín, Italia, España e Indonesia. Ha publicado 25 libros, 13 como autor único y 12 como coordinador y coautor. Uno de ellos obtuvo el premio Internacional “Casa de las Américas” Cuba 2001; 3 de ellos han sido premiados con la mención honorífica del Premio Nacional de Antropología Social Fray Bernardino de Sahagún. Recientemente recibió la Beca Guggenheim 2005 que otorga la John Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Pertenece al Paseo de la Fama de Tijuana. También ha sido autor de 44 capítulos en libros y 41 artículos en revistas académicas. Sus obras han sido de gran importancia para la comprensión de los procesos socioculturales que definen a la frontera México-Estados Unidos y a los movimientos juveniles en América Latina y Estados Unidos.

Keynote Address: “Necropolítica: feminicido y juvenicido en América Latina” 

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Conferencias Magistrales

Lisa Hajjar is a professor of sociology at the University of California – Santa Barbara. She was the Edward Said Chair of American Studies at the American University of Beirut in 2014 – 2015, and served as the director of the Alwaleed Center for American Studies and Research (CASAR) at AUB in 2015 – 2016. Hajjar’s publications include Courting Conflict: The Israeli Military Court System in the West Bank and Gaza (University of California Press, 2005) and Torture: A Sociology of Violence and Human Rights (Routledge 2013). She is currently working on a book titled The War in Court: The Legal Campaign against US Torture in the “War on Terror.” Her work focuses mainly on issues relating to law and conflict, military courts and occupations, human rights and international law, and torture and targeted killing. Hajjar served for several terms as a member of the editorial committee of Middle East Report, and is one of the founding co-editors of Jadaliyya. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Middle East Studies Association.

Keynote Address: “Owning Up to American Torture”


David Palumbo-Liu‘s fields of interest include social and cultural criticism, literary theory and criticism, East Asia and Asian Pacific American studies. His most recent book, The Deliverance of Others: Reading Literature in a Global Age (Duke, 2o12) addresses the role of contemporary humanistic literature with regard to the instruments and discourses of globalization, seeking to deiscover modes of affiliation and transnational ethical thinking; he is also co-editor with Bruce Robbins and Nirvana Tanoukhi of Immanuel Wallenstein and the Problem of the World: System, Scale, Culture (Due, 2011). Palumbo-Liu is most interested in issues regarding social theory, community, race and ethnicity, human rights, globalization, ecology, and the specific role that literature and the humanities play in helping address each of these areas. With Prof. James Cavallaro of Stanford Law School he started the interactive human rights website, Teaching Human Rights: An International Student-Teacher Collaboratory, whcih currently lists over sixty collaborators from around the world including NGOs, combined classrooms in Europe, and other participants. David Palumbo-Liu is the founding editor of Occasion: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities (found on Arcade) and blogs for Truthout, The Nation, Salon, The Huffington Post, Al Jazeera, openDemocracy, AlterNet, and other venues. He is also a Contributing Editor for the Los Angeles Review of Books. He serves on the Executive Council of the Modern Language Association, the HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science & Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) Steering Committee, and the Academic Sterring and Advocacy Committee of the Open Library of the Humanities. He was recently elected Second Vice President of the American Comparative Literature Association, and will assume the presidency March 2018. He is a former Chair of the Stanford Faculty Senate and a member of the Advisory Board of the Academic Council.

Keynote Address: “Human Rights and the Moral Imagination”


José Manuel Valenzuela Arce: Doctor en Ciencias Sociales con especialidad en Sociología por El Colegio de México. Es profesor-investigador del Departamento de Estudios Culturales de El Colegio de la Frontera Norte desde el 14 de agosto de 1982 a la fecha. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (Nivel III) del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Sus investigaciones han abordado temas relacionados con cultura e identidad, fronteras culturales, movimientos sociales, culturas juveniels, sociología urbana y cultura popular. Además fue fundador de El Colgeio de la Frontera Norte (1982) y del Departamento de Estudio Culturales, del cual fue director de 1990-1993 y 1999-2003. También fue director de la Unidad Regional Norte de Culturas Populares (Baja Californai, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Durango) de 1993 a 1994 y fundador de la Unidad de Tijuana de 1993 a 1994, además fue Director de la Revista Frontera Norte de El Colegio de la Frontera Norte de 1995 a 1998. Sus trabajos han sido publicados en español, inglés, portugués, italiano, catalán, alemán y francés. Se ha presentado en Estados Unidos, México, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Río de Janeiro, Bolivia, Sao Paulo, Guatemala, Panamá, Argentina, Perú, Cuba, Berlín, Italia, España e Indonesia. Ha publicado 25 libros, 13 como autor único y 12 como coordinador y coautor. Uno de ellos obtuvo el premio Internacional “Casa de las Américas” Cuba 2001; 3 de ellos han sido premiados con la mención honorífica del Premio Nacional de Antropología Social Fray Bernardino de Sahagún. Recientemente recibió la Beca Guggenheim 2005 que otorga la John Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Pertenece al Paseo de la Fama de Tijuana. También ha sido autor de 44 capítulos en libros y 41 artículos en revistas académicas. Sus obras han sido de gran importancia para la comprensión de los procesos socioculturales que definen a la frontera México-Estados Unidos y a los movimientos juveniles en América Latina y Estados Unidos.

Keynote Address: “Necropolítica: feminicido y juvenicido en América Latina” 

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For final registration you need to pay the registration fee and send the Registration-Form-IAS including the date when you made the payment to All presenters are asked to register for the Conference by August 1, 2016. Only presenters who have registered by that date will appear on the conference program. Please note that early-bird registration fees are available until July 1, 2016.

Please note: You need to register before the conference. There will be no on-site registration. Registration for the general public concludes on October 1, 2016.

Registration fees for the IAS conference in Santa Barbara:

  • 100 USD for IAS members who pay before July 1, 2016.
  • 120 USD for non-members who pay before July 1, 2016.
  • 30 USD for academics from the University of California Santa Barbara (discount due to being the Conference hosts) who pay before July 1, 2016.
  • 30 USD for PhD students (IAS members) who pay before July 1, 2016.
  • 45 USD for PhD students (non-members) who pay before July 1, 2016.
  • BA and MA Students who register before July 1, 2016 can apply for payment exemption.
  • ! There will be an additional charge of 25 USD in each of the above categories for all conference participants who register after July 1, 2016.
  • 30 USD for everyone who is NOT presenting, but would like to attend the conference as audience at large.
  • Conference dinner: Anyone who would like to participate in the conference dinner on October 5, 2016 at the cost of 70 USD (includes buffet dinner with local cuisine and one non-alcoholic drink): Please transfer the money with your registration fee.
  • Participants joining the IAS: If you are not yet a member of the International Association of Inter-American Studies, we would like to encourage you to join. To do so, please click here. Once you have joined the association and paid your 2016 membership dues of 10, 30 or 50 euros, you may take advantage of the discounted conference registration fee for members (100 USD for regular members, 30 USD for PhD students registering by July 1).

Please use the “Donate” button to pay your registration fee (plus the cost of the conference dinner, if you are planning to attend the dinner):

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Para el registro definitivo de su participación, usted deberá enviar la Registration-Form-IAS-2016 (incluyendo la fecha en que realizó el pago) a la dirección del congreso Todos los ponentes deben registrarse para la Conferencia. El plazo vence el primero de agosto del 2016. Favor de notar que el plazo para las inscripciones a precios promocionales vence el primero de julio.
Nótese: Es necesario que se registre antes de la conferencia. No es posible registrarse durante la conferencia. El registro para el público general vence el primero de octubre.

Costo de la inscripción por el IAS congreso:

  • 100 USD para miembros de la Asociación que paguen antes de 1° de julio de 2016.
  • 120 USD para investigadores que paguen antes de 1° de julio de 2016.
  • 30 USD a investigadores de la Universidad de Santa Barbara (por ser las Universidades sede) que paguen antes de 1° de julio de 2016.
  • 30 USD a estudiantes de doctorado (IAS miembros) que paguen antes de 1° de julio de 2016.
  • 45 euros a estudiantes de doctorado (non miembros) que paguen antes de 1° de julio de 2016.
  • Estudiantes de licenciatura y maestría que se inscriban antes de 1° de julio de 2016 pueden solicitor dispensa del pago de cuato.
  • ! Habrá un cargo adicional de 25 USD en todas las categorías para los participantes que se registran después del primero de julio del 2016.
  • 30 USD para todos aquellos que no presentan ponencias pero que quieran asistir a la conferencia en calidad de público oyente.
  • Cena de la conferencia: Yo quisiera participar en la cena del 5 de octubre al costo de 70 USD. (incluye un buffet de comida local e internacional y una bebida no alcohólica). Favor de transferir el dinero junto con el derecho de inscripción.
  • IAS Membership: Yo no soy aún un miembro de la Asociación de Estudios Inter Americanos y quisiera inscribirme. Para ingresar, por favor haga click aquí. Aún se ingrese a la associación, puede aprovecharse del costo de inscripción reducido por miembros.

Por favor, haga clic en el botón de PayPal abajo (no tiene cargo extra):

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Below is a list of local hotels around the University. Although the University receives special pricing on rooms, you may find that third-party websites such as Kayak, Travelocity,, etc., offer competitive prices. Promotional prices are available until September 4, 2016 (9/4/16). More important information about your reservation below the list of hotels.



Distance from UCSB mi/km

Courtyard by Marriott

$229/nt + tax


Pacifica Suites

$234/nt + tax


Super 8 Motel

$110/nt + tax


Motel 6

$110/nt + tax


Best Western Plus South Coast Inn

$135/nt + tax (Sun-Thu)

$150/nt + tax (Fri & Sat)


The Goodland Hotel

$139/nt + tax


Ramada Santa Barbara

$203/nt + tax


Extended Stay America

$150/nt + tax


Best Western Plus Pepper Tree Inn

$139/nt + tax


La Quinta Inn

$203/nt + tax


The Upham Hotel

$145/nt + tax


The Franciscan Inn

$185/nt + tax


* Prices may vary. Please search third-party websites for prices. Prices are for double queen rooms. Based on availability.

You can reserve your lodging with the Lodging and Hotel-Tour-Reservation-Form. Please send this form to until September 4, 2016.
Please note that we are also offering a wine tour of the Santa Ynez Valley on Friday October 7, 2016 through Captain Jack’s Tours and Events:
From Captain Jack’s: “Our most popular tour and an experience you will never forget! This wine country tour will escort your party out of Santa Barbara and through the Los Padres National Forest, offering amazing views of mountains, lakes and sprawling hills.
This tour will include stops in both of our popular AVAs, the Santa Rita Hills and the Santa Ynez Valley. You’ll also enjoy an olive oil tasting at a local farm (time permitting) which will enhance your experience of this unique agricultural area. To many of our guests this is the highlight of their day. To further enhance your epicurean adventure we will make a lunch stop (not included in the price) at the Santa Ynez Valley’s Number 1 rated restaurant Trattoria Grappolo. (Mondays: a different location will be chosen.)”
The cost for this tour is 115 USD. You can sign up for this tour with the Lodging and Tour Reservation form.

*Other individual tours to consider:
• Botanical Gardens Tour $10 per person
• Santa Barbara Wine Tasting Tour $70 per person
• Santa Barbara Beer Tasting Tour $75 per person
• Trolley Tour of the Santa Barbara Sights $22 per person

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