EMMIR: European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations

… turns your world downside up!

European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations
EMMIR Master Course 2013 – 2015 is Now Open

Applications for Self-Funded Candidates Invited
EMMIR is the first African-European Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Migration Studies. It is a unique
study program focusing on migration through an intercultural approach and providing profound theoretical
skills in migration studies combined with field work in Europe and Africa. EMMIR addresses important
contemporary issues in an emerging field of study.
EMMIR is jointly run by three African and four European universities, facilitated by a wider network of
partners. Various associate organsiations on the regional, national and international level provide significant
assistance for student internships and graduate‘s employment.
EMMIR understands students‘ mobility as a key to mutual understanding of different views and cultures
of migration and movement. It aims at sharpening intercultural sensitivity and includes study periods in both Europe and Africa.
EMMIR students will specialise in one of the four program foci Gender, Development, Representation,
Education. Graduates will be awarded a joint degree by the EMMIR partner universities. This will provide them with excellent chances for employment in national and international governmental and private sector organisations or in the academia.

EMMIR is jointly run by
▪ Ahfad University for Women, Omdurman, Sudan
▪ University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
▪ Makerere University Kampala, Uganda
▪ Mbarara University of Science & Technology, Uganda
▪ University of Oldenburg, Germany
▪ University of Stavanger, Norway
▪ University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia

EMMIR Partners in the consortium represent multidisciplinary expertise in migration studies and intersecting
fields, such as gender studies, cultural studies, as well as education and development studies.
The four European and three African universities in the partnership collaborate with associates in the six
countries in order to tie in with social dynamics as well as securing graduates‘ employability. A maximum
of 30 students will be admitted for each cohort (scholarship and self funded students).

The areas represented by our associates are:
▪ aid and advocacy
▪ civil society and culture
▪ research and documentation
▪ local authorities, schools and continuing education.

European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations
EMMIR Master Course 2013 -2015 Mobility Path and Tentative Calender
EMMIR combines the mobility of the full cohort with individual research mobility and specialization. The
mobility path serves two purposes: On the one hand it exposes students to different migration policies,
various approaches to intercultural relations, several academic institutions and economic, social and cultural
settings that are shaping migration processes as well as migrants’ experiences. On the other hand
it allows students to develop individual research foci – drawing on the expertise of all partners involved
and their specialization in a decentralized way.

Find more information on the program and Erasmus Mundus application procedures at www.emmir.org

Apply until 15 June for the European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations EMMIR Participation Costs (Cohort 2013 – 2015)

Applications for the next Cohort (2013 – 2015) will be accepted until 15 June.
Admissions will be on a rolling basis.
Last admission: 15 July.
Office Contact Information
Email: emmir@uni-oldenburg.de
EMMIR Consortium
c/o University of Oldenburg
Dr. Lydia Potts
School of Linguistics and Cultural Studies
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26111 Oldenburg

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